Work (noun & verb) – [wurk]: Physical or mental effort or activity directed toward the production or accomplishment of something; a task or undertaking; to act or operate effectively
Work is where you’ll find advice on jobs, career development and how to manage the work side of the “work-life balance” equation. Whether you’re working from home, in an office, the great outdoors or managing part time work with a family in tow, we’ll provide business coaching and career advice news and articles to help you focus on your job, career or professional development whilst still achieving that work life balance we all desire.
We cover everything from skills development to time management and even managing stress. Learn how to negotiate a pay rise, deal with an office romance or office politics and how to prepare for that all important job interview or dress your way to a promotion or success. And let’s not forget the importance of office etiquette, how to behave at office parties and the proper use of ‘reply all’ in emails.
Here at WorkLifePlay we want to help you get your work-life-play balance just right …